There it is. 5th and the last theme. “Crave for clear rules”, as the official description says.

What kind of rules could it be that I crave? What challenges can the rules bring?

Consistency as a programmer – 10 symptoms

1. Process is good

Processes have negative connotations. They are on the right side of the agile manifesto. And I claim myself agile. How come?

To me, a process doesn’t have to mean a big and slow corporate machine. Process is a visible extract of how we do things in our team. Visible! That’s the missing part of almost every “process” I ever saw.

Process is a communication tool.

Processes can and should be automated. But first, they need to be visible.

And yes, individuals and interactions can trump processes. These situations should lead to improving the process. Not to anarchy!

2. Communication rules

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